आयकर अपीलीय अधिकरण, हैदराबाद पीठ में
आ.अपी.सं/ITA No. 1731/Hyd/2018
(निर्धारण वर्ा/Assessment Year: 2012-13)
Sai Siddartha Reddy
Engineers and Contractors
Pvt. Ltd.,
[PAN : AAKCS0556Q]
Vs. Income Tax Officer,
(अपीलधर्थी/Appellant) (प्रत्यर्थी/Respondent)
निर्धाररती द्वधरध/Assessee by:
रधजस्व द्वधरध/Revenue by:
Ms. TH Vijaya Lakshmi, CIT-DR
िवधई की तधरीख/Date of hearing:
घोर्णध की तधरीख/Pronouncement on:
आदेश / ORDER
This appeal filed by the assessee is directed against the ex parte
order dated 01-02-2017 of the Learned Commissioner of Income Tax
(Appeals)-3, Hyderabad [Learned CIT(A)] relating to Assessment Year
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2. None appeared on behalf of the assessee despite service of notice
through RPAD. It was seen from the record that this appeal was earlier
represented by one Mr. P. Murali Mohan Rao, C.A. However, on
November, 2023, he withdrew his Power of Attorney (POA) for which
fresh notice of hearing through RPAD was issued and served on the
assessee and the acknowledgement is placed on record. However, none
appeared on behalf of the assessee at the time of hearing, nor any
adjournment application was filed. It was further seen that the assessee
was not appearing before the learned CIT(A), despite number of
opportunities granted for which the learned CIT(A) also has passed the ex
parte order. Under these circumstances, we proceed to decide the appeal
on the basis of material available on record and after hearing the learned
3. At the outset, it was noticed that there was a delay of 508 days in
filing the appeal by the assessee for which a condonation petition has been
filed by the assessee, explaining the reasons for such delay which is due to
continuous medical treatment of Mr. T. Prakash Reddy, Managing
Director, who was looking after the business and due to the division of the
State, the work of the assessee was shifted to Anantapur (AP) and the
order of the learned CIT(A) did not reach the M.D. or the assessee.
However, the contents of the condonation petition do not inspire
confidence in absence of any supporting material and is, therefore, liable
to be rejected. However, we proceed to decide the appeal on merits also
on the basis of material available on record and after hearing the learned
4. Facts of the case, in brief, are that the assessee company is engaged
in the business of civil construction. It filed its return of income on 09-10-
2012 declaring total income of Rs. 59,91,080/-. The Assessing Officer,
during the course of assessment proceedings, noted that there is an
increase in share application money introduced by the assessee in the
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form of cash and the assessee failed to give satisfactory explanation. The
Assessing Officer, therefore, made an addition of Rs. 6.96 crores towards
un-explained share capital, by giving the following reasons:
“(a) The share application money pending for allotment as on
31.3.2011 was Rs.1,56,45,881/- and the share application money
pending for allotment as on 31.3.2012 was Rs. 8,50,09,880/-. The
company was formed in the year 2006 with an authorized share
capital of Rs.5 crores only. The company had not filed any
application to increase its authorized share capital with ROC,
therefore the company collected more than its authorized capital
from 464 members ..
(b) As per the company act 1956 the minimum shareholders to start
a company are two and maximum shareholders can be 200, whereas
the company collected share application money from 464 persons.
(c) The company has not submitted any documentary evidence in
support of share allotment and conversion of share application
money into share capital. Further the share application money
was used for the purpose of business without actually allotting
shares to the investors.
(d) As and when the company required the funds, share application
money was introduced in the form of cash.
(e) The assessee failed to produce funds flow statement With respect
to credits reflected in books.
(f) The AR submitted confirmation ,letters In stereotyped format.
99% of them do not have PAN, all of them are agriculturalists,
related to the directors, have not produced any evidence in support
of having agricultural. land, the assessee did not produce the
investors for cross-examination , have hot produced Aadhar / Ration
card in support of their identity, therefore the entire amount of share
capital introduced during the year of Rs.6.96 crores is treated as
unexplained investment u/s 68 of IT Act, 1961.
(g) The confirmation letters submitted by assessee are not reliable
as all of them are in a standard format, the mode of payment either
by Cheque/DD/Cash is not mentioned. Many of them claimed that
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they have owned 5 acres of land, confirmation letters were signed
by one or 2 individuals in different names, they were prepared at the
office of the company, survey nos of agricultural lands were not
mentioned properly.”
5. The Assessing Officer, similarly made addition of Rs. 25 lakhs on
estimate basis out of the various expenses debited to profit and loss
account on the ground that some of the bills/vouchers are self-made in
nature and are not verifiable. The Assessing Officer, accordingly
determined the total income at Rs. 7,83,91,080/-.
6. Since the assessee did not appear before the learned CIT(A) despite
number of opportunities granted, learned CIT(A) dismissed the appeal filed
by the assessee by observing as under:
“5. During the course of appeal proceeding the appellant did not
make any written submissions despite repeated opportunities.
Therefore assessment record is perused and appeal is decided as
There was increase in the share capital of f6.96 crores during the
year. This amount was claimed to have been contributed by
individuals, all of them are agriculturalists and the· entire amount
was contributed in the form of cash. 99% of them do not have PANs
and all of them are from Ananthapur District of Andhra Pradesh. Few
of them produced copies of pattedar pass books. During the
assessment proceedings the Assessing Officer specifically asked for
copies of Aadhar Card or Ration Card to prove the identity of share
applicants. However the same was not produced. All the share
applicants are farmers / relatives of directors. During the course of
scrutiny proceedings the assessee in his letter dated 30.3.2015 had
stated that the application money would be converted into share
capital before 30.6.2015, meaning thereby that even after 3 years
after collecting the amounts, shares were not allotted. During the
course of appeal proceedings, the appellant was asked t6 give
details of shares allotted, alternatively he was asked to give details
of return/refund of share application money. Such details were to be
submitted by appellant on or before 12.9.2016. But so far no details
were submitted despite repeated opportunities. In these
circumstances the identity of the share applicants are not proved as
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the appellant neither 'produced the share applicants before
Assessing Officer nor submitted the identity" proof in the form of
Aadhar Card or Ration Card etc etc. The creditworthiness is also not
proved as all of them are farmers, the amounts were claimed to have
been invested in cash, there is no evidence that they own sufficient
agricultural land to enable them to make huge investments.
Therefore neither the identity nor the creditworthiness of share
applicants is proved. Therefore the above addition made" by
Assessing Officer towards unexplained share application money of
Rs. 6.96 crores is confirmed.”
7. Aggrieved with such order of the learned CIT(A), the assessee is in
appeal before the Tribunal by raising the following grounds:
1. The order of the learned Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)-3, is
prejudicial to the interest of appellate is bad and erroneous in law.
2. The learned Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)-3, has erroneously
confirmed the order of ITO, Ward-3(1) adding an amount of Rs. 6.96
crores of share application money collected during the year.
3. The learned Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)-3, has erroneously
confirmed the order of ITO, Ward-3(1) adding an amount of Rs. 25
lakhs of work expenses/labour payments during the year.
4. The appellant hereby prays that the Honourable Tribunal may be
pleased to modify the order of the Commissioner of Income Tax
(Appeals)-3, Hyderabad.
5. The appellant prays for permission to file additional grounds and
supporting documents at time of hearing.”
8. We have heard learned DR and perused the record. It is an
admitted fact that due to non-substantiation by cogent evidence to the
satisfaction of the Assessing Officer, the Assessing Officer made an
addition of Rs. 6.96 crores on account of share application money and
disallowed Rs. 25 lakhs out of various expenses debited to profit and loss
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account on the ground that some of the vouchers are self-made and are
not signed and, therefore, are not verifiable. We find that due to non-
appearance of the assessee before the learned CIT(A), despite number of
opportunities granted, the learned CIT(A) in the ex parte order passed by
her sustained the additions made by the Assessing Officer. We do not find
any infirmity in the order of the learned CIT(A) on this issue. As per the
provisions of Section 68 of the Income tax Act, 1961 (“the Act”), the onus
is always on the assessee to substantiate with evidence to the satisfaction
of the Assessing Officer regarding the identity and creditworthiness of the
share applicants and the genuineness of the transaction. In the instant
case, the assessee could not substantiate with evidence to the satisfaction
of the Assessing Officer regarding the ingredients of Section 68 of the Act,
especially when 99% of the share applicants do not have PAN and assessee
could not produce the investors before the Assessing Officer for his
examination. Their identity also remained un-proved since the assessee
could not file even adhar card or ration card. Further, the mode of
payment also has not been categorically given as to whether the same is
in the shape of cash, cheque or Demand Draft. Since the learned CIT(A)
after perusal of the assessment order, has given justifiable reasons for
sustaining the addition, therefore, we do not find any infirmity in the order
of the learned CIT(A) on this issue.
9. So far as the disallowance of Rs. 25 lakhs is concerned, we find that
Assessing Officer made the addition only of labour charges on the ground
that some of the bills/vouchers are unsigned and the bills/vouchers are
self-made. We find that learned CIT(A) sustained the addition, the reasons
of which are already reproduced in the preceding paragraphs. We do not
find any infirmity in the order of learned CIT(A) on this issue. It is the
settled proposition of law that for claiming any expenses as allowable, the
onus is always on the assessee to substantiate with evidence to the
satisfaction of the Assessing Officer. However, the Assessing Officer has
given a finding that some of the bills/vouchers are self-made and are not
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signed. Nothing was brought before the learned CIT(A) or before us on this
issue so as to take a contrary view than the view taken by the Assessing
Officer. Hence, the order of the learned CIT(A) on this issue is also upheld.
10. In the result, appeal of the assessee is dismissed.
Order pronounced in the open court on this the 29
day of
December, 2023.
Sd/- Sd/-
Dated: 29/12/2023
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Copy forwarded to:
1. Sai Siddartha Reddy Engineers and Contractors Private
Limited, C/o. P. Srinivasan & Co., Chartered Accountants,
12-13-424, Street No. 1, Tarnaka, Secunderabad.
2. Income Tax Officer, Ward-3(1), Hyderabad.
3. The Pr.CIT-3, Hyderabad.
4. DR, ITAT, Hyderabad.