आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, ‘ए’, ᭠यायपीठ, चे᳖ई
᮰ी महावीर ᳲसंह, उपा᭟यᭃ एवं ᮰ी मंजुनाथ. जी, लेखा सद᭭य के समᭃ
आयकर अपील सं./I.T.A. 195/CHNY/2023
िनधाᭅरण वषᭅ /Assessment year :2019-2020
Shri. Ponnuswamy Karunanithy,
New No.66, Old no. 300,
Thambu Chetty Street,
Chennai 600 001.
Vs. The Deputy Commissioner of
Income Tax,
Central Circle 3(3)
अपीलाथᱮ कᳱ ओर से/ Appellant by
: Shri. N. Quadir Hoseyn, Adv.
& Dr. L. Natarajan, C.A.,
ᮧ᭜यथᱮ कᳱ ओर से /Respondent by
: Shri. ARV Sreenivasan, Addl. CIT
सुनवाई कᳱ तारीख/Date of Hearing
: 20.12.2023.
घोषणा कᳱ तारीख /Date of Pronouncement
: 29.12.2023.
आदेश / O R D E R
This appeal filed by the assessee is arising out of the order of the
Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)-18, Chennai in Appeal Reference
No. CIT(A), Chennai-18/10763/2018-19, dated 24.01.2023. The
assessment was framed by the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax,
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Central Circle 3(3), Chennai for the assessment year 2019-2020
u/s.143(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter ‘the Act’), vide order
dated 30.09.2021.
2. The first issue in this appeal of assessee is as regards to the
order of ld. CIT(A) confirming the addition made by the ld. Assessing
Officer being excess stock found during the course of survey and added as
unexplained investment u/s.69B of the Act amounting to ₹54,89,056/-.
3. For this assessee has raised ground Nos. 1 to 5 which are
argumentative and exhaustive, hence need not be reproduced.
4. Brief facts of the case are that assessee is an individual engaged
in the business of trading in textile and manufacturing of textiles
handloom etc. A survey u/s.133A of the Act was conducted in the
business premises of the assessee on 06.02.2019. Assessee filed his
return of income for the assessment year 2019-2020 on 26.12.2019
admitting a total income of ₹75,40,970/- including the excess stock of
₹54,89,056/- which was found during survey. The ld. Assessing Officer
accepted the returned income but reduced from assessed income
declared by assessee as business income and again added as unexplained
investment u/s.69B of the Act amounting to ₹54,89,056/-. Aggrieved, the
assessee preferred an appeal before the ld. CIT(A).
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5. Ld. CIT(A) vide detailed order running into thirty one pages
dismissed the appeal of the assessee and held that unexplained excess
stock found during the course of survey was being assessed as
unexplained investment u/s.69B of the Act by observing as under in para
7.18 of his order:-
‘’7.18 The assessee contended that the limbs of section 69B are
not satisfied. The question here is whether the stock is
unaccounted and whether the source is fully and satisfactorily
explained. In the instant case, the excess unaccounted stock
was arrived at in the presence of the assessee during survey and
the assessee has never explained how the source for investment
in excess stock emerged from his business. As both the limbs of
section 69B gets satisfied, it is assessable under that section
69B. Mere showing it under Other Sources head will not
distinguish his case. It is to be noted that this income shown is
over and above the net profit from the accounted business. No
proof given to show how it has arisen from his business. Thus,
SVS Oil Mills case squarely applies in the assessee's case and
not that of Hon'ble Rajasthan High Court decision in the case of
Pr. CIT vs. Bajargan Traders in ITA No.258 of 2017. Even if it is
taken that there are conflicting views, it is well settled principle
of law that if there is conflicting views rendered by different High
Courts, the view taken by the jurisdictional High Court is binding
in the jurisdictional area of the respective High Court. The
Hon'ble Bombay High Court in the case of Subramaniam -vs.-
Siemens India Ltd. (1985) 156 ITR 11 (Bom.) held that so far as
the legal position is concerned, the ITO would be bound by a
decision of the Supreme Court as also by a decision of the High
Court of the State within whose jurisdiction he is functioning,
irrespective of the pendency of any appeal or special leave
application against the judgment; he would equally be bound by
a decision of another High Court on the point, because not to
follow that decision would be to cause grave prejudice to the
assessee; however, in the case where there is conflict of views
between different High Courts, ITO must follow the decision of
the High Court within whose jurisdiction he is functioning. In
view of the above settled law, I am bound to follow the
jurisdictional Madras High Court in the case of SVS Oil Mills and
have no other alternative except to confirm the order of the AO
assessing the unexplained excess stock as unexplained
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investment u/s 69B of the Act. Even during the appeal
proceeding, the assesse except stating that the AO was wrong in
treating the impugned amount as unexplained investment, no
corroborative evidence was furnished. I therefore sustain the
assessment of unaccounted excess stock found during survey as
unexplained investment u/s.69B’’.
Aggrieved, the assessee preferred an appeal before us.
6. We have heard rival contentions and gone through the facts
and circumstances of the case. We noted that during the course of survey
operation u/s.133A of the Act on 06.02.2019, vide question No.17 has
brought out how the Assessing Officer computed excess stock which reads
as under:-
‘’Q.17 After physical verification of the stock available in the
various floors of the premises at New no. 66, Old No. 300,
Thambu Chetty street, Chennai, it is seen that there is total
stock of Rs.4,40,46,209/-. When compared to the closing stock
going by the Tally accounting details there is an excess stock of
Rs.1,96,34,424 /-. The detailed computation of the computation
of the stock as per the books and as per the physical verification
is given as under.
Closing stock as on 31-03-2018 as per P & L
account of the return of income for the
assessment year 2018-19 (F.Y 2017-18)
Rs. 4,89,19,852/-
Add: Purchases accounted in the tally
accounting maintained at Thambu Chetty
Street, Chennai till 06-02-2019
Rs. 3,39,20,828/-
Total Rs. 8,28,40,680/-
Add: Gross Profit @22%
Rs. 1,24,90,226/-
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Less: Sales accounted in the tally accounting
maintained at Thambu Chetty Street,
Chennai till 06-02-2019
(-) Rs. 5,67,73,753/-
Total (Closing stock as per books)
Rs. 3,85,57,153/-
Stock as inventorised on physical verification
at Thambu chetty premises on 06-02-2019
Rs. 4,40,46,209/-
Excess stock found after physical inventory
Rs. 54,89,056/-
We note that the assessee has produced copies of purchase ledger
account wherein closing balance declared is ₹3,38,76,490/- as against
closing stock taken by the department at ₹4,40,46,209/-. Closing stock
as per books as on 31.03.2018 is at ₹4,89,19,852/-. The Department
computed closing stock i.e excess stock by applying gross profit rate
@22%. We note that the assessee before survey team or before the ld.
Assessing Officer pointed out that it had arrived closing stock value at
₹3,85,57,153/- by applying gross profit rate of 22% whereas gross profit
rate comes to 28.61% as declared by the assessee in the last three
preceding years is as under:-
Assessment year Gross Profit Ratio
2016-2017 26.84%
2017-2018 27.51%
2018-2019 31.48%
According to assessee, if we apply this profit rate the stock will almost
come close to book stock. It means that there is some discrepancies in
the physical verification done because it is not possible to estimate stocks
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of textile and handloom within one day. Even otherwise, the Revenue
could not point out how they have valued each items because they have
not valued in term of quality i.e value of the textile and handloom. In
view of the above, it cannot be said that excess stock found, which is also
based on estimate only, is unexplained investment. In view of the above,
the same is to be assessed as business income as declared by the
assessee and it cannot be charged at special rate of tax u/s.115BBE of the
Act. Hence, we direct the Assessing Officer to assess the income of
excess closing stock found during the survey operation in the business
premises of the assessee as ‘’business income’’ and not as unexplained
investment u/s.69B of the Act.
7. The last issue in this appeal of the assessee is with regard to the
order of the ld. CIT(A) confirming the action of the ld. Assessing Officer in
making disallowance of expenditure @30%.
8. We have heard rival contentions and gone through the facts and
circumstances of the case. We note that the ld. Assessing Officer without
going into the details estimated disallowance of expenditure at 30% out of
total expenditure of ₹12,54,207/- and disallowed a sum of ₹3,76,262/-. In
the absence of details of expenses, the ld. CIT(A) confirmed the action of
the ld. Assessing Officer. After going through the facts of the case, we
are of the view that in the absence of evidence, it cannot be denied that
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there will be no indirect expenses. Hence, we restrict the disallowance at
20% and direct the Assessing Officer accordingly.
9. In the result, the appeal of the assessee is party allowed.
Order pronounced on 29th day of December, 2023, at Chennai.
Sd/- Sd/-
(मंजुनाथ. जी)
(महावीर िसंह )
आदेश कᳱ ᮧितिलिप अᮕेिषत/Copy to:
1. अपीलाथᱮ/Appellant 2. ᮧ᭜यथᱮ/Respondent 3.. आयकर आयुᲦ/CIT 4. िवभागीय
ᮧितिनिध/ DR 5. गाडᭅ फाईल/GF