I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
/.I.T.A Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019
/Assessment Years:2011-12 to 2014-15
Central Circle-II,
Floor, ARTO Complex,
Sector-33, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh.
Apple Commodities Ltd.,
701-A, 7
GD-ITL Tower, Plot No.B-08,
Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, New Delhi.
अ Appellant
Cross Objection Nos. 124 to 127/Del/2019
(In ITA Nos. 2241 to 2244/Del/2019)
Assessment Years: 2011-12 to 2014-15
Apple Commodities Ltd.,
701-A, 7
GD-ITL Tower, Plot No.B-08,
Netaji Subhash Place,
Pitampura, New Delhi.
Central Circle-II,
Floor, ARTO Complex,
Sector-33, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh.
अ Appellant
Revenue by Shri Zafarul Haque Tanweer, CIT–DR
Assessee by Shri Amit Goel, CA
Shri Nippun Mittal, CA &
Shri Pranav Yadav, Adv.
नवाईकतारीख/ Date of hearing:
उोषणाकतारीख/Pronouncement on
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
आदेश /O R D E R
These appeals are filed by the Revenue and Cross Objection by
the Assessee against the common order of the Ld.CIT(Appeals)-4,
Kanpur dated 28.12.2018 for the AY 2011-12 to 2014-15. The
Revenue has raised the following common grounds in its appeal:
“1. Whether on facts and circumstances of the case and
in law, the Ld. CIT (A) erred in applying the decision of
the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of M /s Sinhgad
Technical Education Society, which was distinguishable on
the facts of the present case as the same pertained to
prior period to 01.04.2005 whereas after 01.04.2005 153C
notice can be issued when AO is satisfied that seized
material has a bearing on the assessment of income of
other person.
2. Whether on facts and circumstances of the case and
in law, the Ld. CIT(A) erred in law while holding that
there was no incriminating material for the issuance of
notice u / s 153C, without appreciating that in the
satisfaction note the AO had brought out the facts and
circumstances, which indicated that the Assessee company
has entered into transactions which remained unexplained
hence such documents constituted “incriminating
material” for the purpose “of the issue of notice u/s 153C
in the context of assessee.
3. Whether on facts and circumstances of the case and
in law, the Ld CIT(A) erred in not appreciating that after
01.4.2005 the test of issue of notice u/s 153C is
availability of seized material Which has bearing on
assessment of income which has to be only in nature of
prima facie belief having live nexus & not in nature of
absolute evidence based on detailed investigation.
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
4. That the appellant craves leave to add or amend any
other more ground of appeal as state above as and when
needs for doing so may arise.
5. The order of the Ld CIT(A) is erroneous in law and
on facts of the case and is liable to be set aside and the
order of the AO be restored.”
2. The only issue to be adjudicated in the appeals of the
Revenue is as to whether the additions made by the Assessing
Officer as an unexplained investment being share capital and share
premium are sustainable in the absence of incriminating material
seized in the course of search.
3. The Ld. Counsel for the assessee submits that additions
towards share capital and share premium were made by the AO
based on the ledger accounts, confirmation accounts by various
parties which are all part of regular books of accounts and there is
no incriminating material was seized in the course of search
belonging to the assessee so as to make the additions while
completing the assessments u/s 153C/144 of the Act. The Ld.
Counsel submits that as there was no incriminating material seized
in the course of search which belongs to the assessee the Ld.CIT(A)
deleted the additions following the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme
Court in the case of PCIT Vs. Sinhagad Technical Education Society
(397 ITR 344).
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
4. On the other hand, the Ld. DR strongly supported the orders
of the AO.
5. Heard rival contentions, perused the orders of the authorities
below. We find that the Ld.CIT(A) after analyzing the satisfaction
note recorded by the DCIT (Central Circle), the materials found in
the course of search concluded that no incriminating documents
found as a result of search which belong to the assessee company.
The Ld.CIT(A) also observed that AO failed to demonstrate that
seized document belongs to the assessee company and no seized
documents were found as a result of search have a bearing on the
determination of total income of the assessee and, therefore,
jurisdictional condition for issue of notice u/s 153C is not satisfied.
The Ld.CIT(A) while holding so observe as under: -
“5.1 Ground no. 1 to 5 for each assessment year relate
to the legal validity of notice issued u/s 153C of the Act.
During this appeal proceeding, Ld. A.R. of the appellant
has submitted that the assessment framed u/s 153C of the
Act are bad in law and without jurisdiction because of the
following reasons;
Notice issued u/s 153C by the A.O. is without
jurisdiction and barred by limitation.
ii. That the notice issued u/s 153C is bad-in-law and
without jurisdiction as no satisfaction as required u/s
153C of the Act has been recorded by the assessing
officer of the searched person.
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
iii. That the notice issued u/s 153C is bad-in-law and
without jurisdiction as no document(s) belonging to the
assesses was found and seized during the course of
iv. That the proceedings initiated u/s 153C and the
consequent assessment order passed are liable to be
quashed as no incriminating documents material has
been found and there is no co-relation of year wise
incriminating documents mentioned in the assessment
v. The additions made by the A.O. are beyond the scope
of jurisdiction of section 153C of Income Tax Act, 1961.
The Ld. A.R. of the appellant has also submitted that
after the decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case
of PCIT-III, Pune Vs. Sinhgad Technical Education
Society, the law is crystal clear, that issue of notice u/s
153C without incriminating material for the’ relevant
assessment year is legally not sustainable.
5.2 Upon the legal challenge of Id. A.R., the AO, vide
this office letter F. No. CIT (A)-IV/KNP/Remand
Report/2018-19/171 dated 09.10.2018 was specifically
requested to comment on the legal contention of the
The letter of this office is reproduced here-in-under:
“Sub: Remand; Report u/s 250(4) of the Income Tax
Act In the case of M/s. Apple Commodities Ltd. for
the A.Y. 2011-12 to A.Y. 2013-14 (3 Years)
PAN:AADCA0300K- Regarding-
“Please find enclosed herewith copies of Submission
filed by the appellant before the undersigned on
Vide above submissions, the appellant has challenged
legal validity of the issuance of notice u/s 153C of the
Act. It was submitted by (the appellant that appellant
has challenged that AO of the searched person has not
recorded the satisfaction that seized documents
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
belongs to the appellant. Further, it has challenged
by the appellant that no incriminating material was
found for above said assessment years for which
notice u/s 15 3C of the Act was issued.
Appellant has also submitted that satisfaction
recorded by AO does not fulfill the requirement –of
provisions of section 153C of the Act. The appellant
also relied upon the finding given by various Hon’ble
High Court/Hon’ble Supreme Court in support of its
legal challenge Hence, notice issued u/s 153C of the
Act and the assessment framed is ab-intio-invalid.
In the context, you are requested to please go
through the contents of said legal submissions and
your detailed report u/s 250(4) of the income Tax
Act, to this office positively by 22/10/2018.
The matter may please be given ‘top priority’ keeping
in view the directions given in Central Action Plan
5.3 The AO submitted his report vide letter F. No.
DCIT/CC-IT/Noida/Remand Report/2018-19/223 dated
22.11.2018 which is reproduced herein under:
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
5.4 The comments of the appellant were also called for
on the report of the AO. The appellant submitted its
comments vide written submission, which is reproduced as
“Please refer to remand report dated 22.11.2018 of the
Assessing Officer, our rejoinder is as under:
1. Notice issued u/s 153C by the AO is without
jurisdiction and barred by limitation.
2. That the notice issued u/s 153C is bad-in-law and
without jurisdiction as no satisfaction as required u/s
153C of the Act has been recorded by the assessing
officer of the searched person.
3. That the notice issued u/s 153C is bad-in-law and
without jurisdiction as no document(s) belonging to the
assessee was found and seized during the course of
4. That the proceedings initiated u/s 153C and the
consequent assessment order passed are liable to be
quashed as no incriminating documents material has
been found and there is no co-relation of year wise
incriminating documents mentioned in the assessment
5. The additions made by the A. O. are beyond the
scope of jurisdiction of section 153C of Income Tax Act,
In the remand report, the A.O. has not rebutted the
appellant’s submission. The A.O. has only .made vague
remarks without bringing on record any incriminating
material or evidence. In our submission we have
referred to provisions of law and various judicial
pronouncements including those of Hon’ble Apex Court.
The assessing officer has not made any rebuttal. As a
matter of fact, in the remand report the A.O. has
realized that on legal issues the order passed by him is
not sustainable and therefore as per para 8 of the
remand report the A. O. has mentioned that Quote on
the legal issues raised by the appellant your goodself
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
may take appropriate decision in accordance with law
In view of the above, the orders passed by the Assessing
Officer are liable to be quashed on legal issues itself.
In view of the above, it is submitted that the additions
made by the A.O. are liable to be deleted.”
5.5 The appellant has submitted another detailed
written submission dated 28.12.2018, which is common for
A.Y. 2009-10 to. A.Y. 2014-15, on the satisfaction
recorded by the AO, which is reproduced as under:
“In 1
para of the satisfaction note, the assessing
officer has made general observation with regard to
business activities of the companies and there is
nothing incriminating.
2. In para 2 to 3.2 of the satisfaction Note the A.O.
has not referred to any seized document. He has
merely referred to certain information gathered from
Hard Disk with regard to certain loans and share
capital received by the company. As per the A.O.
himself these are the information gathered and not
the document seized. Therefore, even the primary
condition of recording satisfaction based on the seized
document has not been fulfilled leave alone the
question of fulfilling the requirement that the seized
documents must belong to the assessee.
Moreover, merely receipt of loans and share capital
cannot be a ground for reopening of assessment u/s
I53C of the Act. Every company will have some share
capital and according to the methodology of the
assessing officer if during the course of search in case
of a person, any information relating to any other
person being a company is found, proceedings u/s I53C
can be initiated on the ground that the company has
received share capital. Your goodself appreciate that
is not the position of law. The assessing officer of the
searched person has to records satisfaction that
Documents belonging to (and not merely any
information relating to or pertaining to) such other
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
person has been found and seized during the course of
The documents found must be of incriminating nature.
The documents found must has a bearing on the
determination of income of the year for which notice
u/s I53C is being issued. Thus year wise analysis of the
seized material is required to be made and stated in
the satisfaction Note.
In the present case of the assessee, the above
requirements have not been fulfilled.
3. In para 4 of the satisfaction Note the A.O. has
referred to Annexure LP-2J & LP-22 and LP-I to LP-18.
In this regard, it is submitted that in the entire
satisfaction Note the A.O. has not recorded any
satisfaction that these seized annexures belong to the
Without prejudice to the above, it is submitted that
(here is nothing incriminating in the aforesaid seized-
material. The page wise description / contents of the
aforesaid seized material is given separately and it is
self-evident that there is nothing incriminating in
these documents. As a matter of fact, the assessing
officer has not made any addition in the assessment
order based on these documents.
4. In para 5 of satisfaction Note the A.O. has
referred to annexure LP-I and LP-2 page No. 23 to
33 stating them to be transactions with offshore units
in Hongkong & Malasiya. In this regard it is submitted
that in the satisfaction Note, the A.O. has nowhere
recorded that these documents belong to the assessee
company. Without prejudice to the above, it is
submitted that the observation made by the assessing
officer are factually erroneous. Page No. 23 to 33 of
LP-1 contains draught survey report relating to coal, ‘
outgoing message report. These are not even
pertaining to the assessee leave alone the question of
belonging to the assessee. There is nothing
incriminating in these documents. The assessing
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
officer has also not made any addition on the basis of
these documents.
Similarly Page No. 23 to 33 of LP-2 are copy of
Valuation report of Property bearing no. A-248,
Defence Colony, Delhi in the name of Mrs. Ruchi Garg
done on behalf of State Bank of India. These are also
not even pertaining to the assessee leave alone the
question of belonging to the assessee. There is nothing
incriminating in these documents. The Assessing
Officer has also not made any addition on the basis of
these documents.
5. In para 5.1 of satisfaction Note the A.O. has
referred to page No. 8 & 9 of annexure LP-3. In this
regard it is submitted that in the satisfaction Note,
the A.O. has nowhere recorded that these documents
belong to the assessee company. Without prejudice to
the above, it is submitted that the observation made
by the assessing officer arc factually erroneous. Name
of the assessee company is nowhere mentioned on
these pages. As a matter of fact, even as per the
details tabulated in the satisfaction Note, the name of
the assessee company is nowhere appearing. These are
not even pertaining to the assessee leave alone the
question of belonging to the assessee. There is nothing
incriminating in these documents.
6. In para 6 of the satisfaction Note the A.O. has
mentioned that survey ids 133A of the Act was
conducted at the premises of the assessee and various
documents were found and impounded. The A.O. has
not pointed out or analysis any of the such document
stated to be impounded diming the course of survey.
Even otherwise, it is submitted that documents
impounded during survey cannot be the basis for
initiating proceedings u/s 153C of the Act. The
prerequisite for invoking provisions of section 153C of
the Act is that there should be a search in case of a
person and during that search documents belonging to
some other person must be found during the course of
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
Further, Id, A.R. of the appellant has submitted the
detailed page wise analysis of the seized document found,
as a result of search in the case of) M/s. Apple Group of
Companies ranging from LP-1 to LP-22, which is part and
parcel of the appeal record. From the page wise detailed
analysis Id. A.R. of the appellant has submitted that, the
seized document neither belong to the appellant company
nor it is incriminating in nature. Thus, the twin imperative
conditions as stipulated under provision of section u/s
153C of the Act are not satisfied in the present facts of
the case.
5.6 The undersigned has carefully gone through the
assessment order, written submission, remand report by
Assessing Officer and rejoinder filed as well as verbal
arguments of the Ld. A.R. For the sake of brevity
satisfaction note recorded by the A,0, is scanned and
reproduced here-in-under:
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
5.7 Detailed perusal and scanning of the satisfaction
note recorded by the AO reveals the following facts:
i. AO has not mentioned the assessment years for
which, it belongs to. There appears to be only one
satisfaction note recorded by AO in relation to
appellant company. Thus it is presumed that,
satisfaction note is common for all the A.Y. 2009-10 to
A.Y. 2014-15 (6 Years).
ii. AO has not mentioned the specific Seized
documents, which belongs to the appellant company.
Thus, no satisfaction is recorded by the AO of searched
person to establish the fact that specific seized
document indeed belongs to the appellant company.
iii. AO has mentioned in para 4 of the satisfaction
note LP-21, LP-22 and LP-1 to LP-18. Further, AO has
noted seized document page 23 to 33 of LP-2 in para -5
of the satisfaction note. AO has also recorded pages 8 &
9 of IP-3 in para 5.1 of the satisfaction note. However,
AO has not recorded the-finding that this seized
document indeed belongs to the appellant company and
is incriminating in nature. Perusal of these documents
reveals that neither they belong to the appellant
company nor they are in incriminating nature. AO has
not made any addition on the basis of these seized
documents. Ld. A.R. of the appellant vide his
submission dated 28.12.2018, which is .reproduced in
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
para 5.5 of this order, has analyzed each seized
document and correctly concluded that neither they
belong to appellant nor they are incriminating in
iv. Further, AO has not recorded the finding in the
satisfaction note that any specific seized documents
have the bearing on the determination of total income
or any seized document is incriminating in nature. It is
observed from the assessment orders framed by the AO
that additions were made on account of share
capital/share premium/unsecured loans, disallowance
of interest and enhancement of gross profit or
unexplained foreign remittances. However, AO has not
discussed or mentioned any incriminating seized
document, which is found and seized, as a result of
search and belonging to the appellant company for
making such additions in the assessment orders. It is
evident from the assessment order that all the
additions made by AO are not based on any seized
incriminating document. On the other hand Id. A.R. of
the appellant has submitted pagewise detailed analysis
of LP-1 to LP-22, which is part of appeal proceedings, to
demonstrate that twin imperative conditions of
provisions of section 153C of the Act i.e.
i. Satisfaction of AO of searched person that seized
document indeed belongs to the-person whose case is
covered u/s 153C of the Act, and
ii. The seized document is having its bearing on the
determination of - acme meaning thereby that seized
documents are incriminating in nature, isnot fulfilled
in the present facts of the case.
In fact, there does not exist any incriminating document
as a result of search which ‘belong to’ the appellant
company. The investments reflected in the balance sheet
of M/s. Apple Commodities Ltd. cannot be taken as
incriminating because these are the part of its regular
books of account and already disclosed by the investing
company as well as M/s. Apple Commodities Ltd in the
return of income. All additions made by the Assessing
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
Officer are either from balance sheet or from profit A
loss account, for which, no incriminating document was
found and seized during search action. Hence, it is
concluded that there exist no incriminating seized
material for these relevant assessment year to justify
issue of notice u/s 153C of the Act. The AO has not made
any addition on the basis of any incriminating document
found and also, additions made by AO does not co-relate
with satisfaction noted by him. In absence of
incriminating seized material relating to assessment year
under consideration, action u/s 153C of the Act cannot be
treated as valid in the eye of law.
5.8 The proceedings u/s 153C of the Act are very
specific and clearly explained in the Act. For the sake of
clarity, relevant previsions of Act is as under;
“153C. [(1)] [Notwithstanding anything contained in
section 139, section 147, section 148, section 149,
section 151 and section 153, where the Assessing
Officer is satisfied that,—
(a) any money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable
article or thing, seized or requisitioned, 69belongs
to; or
(b) any books of account or documents, seized or
requisitioned, pertains or pertain to, or any
information contained therein, relates to,”
a person other than the person referred to in section
153A, then, the books of account or documents or
assets, seized or requisitioned shall be handed over
to the Assessing Officer having jurisdiction over such
other person] [and that Assessing Officer shall
proceed against each such other person and issue
notice and assess or reassess the income ]of the
other person in accordance with the provisions of
section 153A, if, that Assessing Officer is satisfied
that the books of account or documents or assets
seized or requisitioned have a bearing on the
determination of the total income of such other
person for the relevant assessment year or years
referred to in sub-section (1) of section 153A]:]”
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
A plain reading of provision u/s 153C makes it abundantly
clear that some imperative condition need to be satisfied
by the AO, prior to the issue notice u/s 153C of the Act.
This pre-condition includes:
Existence of undisclosed/unexplained asset or
incriminating seized documents against the
appellant, as a result of search.
ii) Recording of satisfaction by the AO of the person
searched that, the undisclosed assets or incriminating
document found as a result of search should "belongs to"
the appellant, for relevant assessment year.
iii) Proper satisfaction is to be recorded by the AO for
the relevant assessment year for issuance of notice u/s
All the above three conditions are to be satisfied
cumulatively and simultaneously as per provisions of
section 153C of the Act. Non satisfaction of any of the pre-
conditions mentioned here in above, would result in notice
u/s 153C of the Act legally unsustainable or invalid, In the
present facts of the case AO has failed to demonstrate
that, seized document belongs, to the appellant company
and no seized documents were found as a result of search
and have bearing on the determination of total income of
the appellant company. Hence, imperative jurisdictional
condition for issue of notice 153C of the Act is not
5.9 Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of PCIT-3, Pune
Vs Sinhgad Technical Education Society (2017) 397 ITR 344
(SC) has held that the nexus between issue of notice u/s
153C and the incriminating material found as a result of
search must exist. Hon'ble Supreme Court in para 13 of the
order has observed that one of the jurisdictional
conditions precedent to the issue of a notice u/s 153C of
the Act is that “money, bullion, jewellery or other
valuable article or thing” or any “books of account or
document must be seized or requisitioned for the relevant
assessment year for issue of notice u/s 153C of the Act.”
The observation of the Supreme Court in para 18 of the
order mentioned here in above is reproduced below:
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
“The ITAT permitted this additional ground by giving
a reason that it jurisdictional issue taken up on the
basis of facts already on the record and, therefore,
could be raised. In this behalf, it was noted by the
ITAT that as per the provisions of Section 153C of
the Act, incriminating material which was seized
had to pertain to the Assessment Years in question
and it is an undisputed fact that the documents
which were seized did not establish any co-relation,
document-wise, with these four Assessment Years.
Since this requirement under Section 153C of the Act
is essential for assessment under that provision, it
becomes a jurisdictional fact. We find this reasoning
to be logical and valid, having regard to the
provisions of Section 153C of the Act. Para 9 of the
order of the ITAT reveals that the ITAT had scanned
through the Satisfaction Note and the material
which was disclosed therein was culled out and it
showed that the same belongs to Assessment Year
2004-05 or thereafter. After taking note of the
material in para 9 of the order, the position that
emerges there from is discussed in para 10. It was
specifically recorded that the counsel for the
Department could not point out to the contrary. It is
for this reason the High Court has also given its
imprimatur to the aforesaid approach of the
Tribunal. That apart, learned senior counsel
appearing for the respondent, argued that notice in
respect of Assessment Years 2000-01 and 2001-02
was even time barred.”
Thus, facts of the instant case are squarely covered by
the ratio of judgment mentioned here-in-above.
5.10 Hon'ble Delhi High Court in para 31 has held in the
case of Index Security Pvt. Ltd [86 taxmann.com 84 (Del)]
as follows:
“As regards the section jurisdictional requirement
viz, that the seized documents must be incriminating
and must relate to the A.Ys. whose assessments are
sought to be reopened, the decision of the Supreme
Court in Commissioner of Income Tax-Ill, Pune Vs.
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
Sinhgad Technical Education Society (Supra) settles
the issue and holds this to be an essential
requirement. The decision of this Court in CIT-7 Vs
RRJ Securities (2016) 380ITR 612 (Del) and ARN
Infrastructure India Ltd. Vs A CIT [2017] 394ITR 569
(Del) also held that in order to justify the assumption
of jurisdiction under section 153Cof the Act the
documents seized must be incriminating and must
relate to each of the A Fs whose assessments are
sought to be reopened."
Thus, by now, it is a settled law that notices u/s 153C of
the Act is ab-initio-invalid in absence of incriminating
seized material. From the plain reading of language of
section 153C of the Act and various judicial
pronouncement cited herein above, it is abundantly clear
that in order to reopen the assessment of other person
u/s 153C of the Act for the assessment year earlier to the
year of search, direct correlation must exist between
existence of incriminating material and relevant
assessment years. In the instance case, admittedly,
additions are not based on any incriminating document
found, as a result of search. Further, AO has not
recorded the satisfaction for these relevant assessment
years, as envisaged u/s 153C of the Act. In fact, no
assessment year is mentioned in the satisfaction note
recorded by the AO.
5.11 In view of the detailed discussion mentioned here
in above end respectfully following the judgement of the
Supreme Court in the case of Sinhgad Technical
Educational Society, it is concluded that notice u/s 153C
issued by the AO need to be treated as ab-initio invalid
and legally not sustainable, therefore, assessment
framed on the basis of legally unsustainable notice is
hereby quashed and annulled. Thus, these legal grounds
of appeals i.e. for A.Y. 2009-10 to A.Y. 2014-15 are
decided in favour of the appellant.”
6. It could be observed from the above, it is the finding of the
Ld.CIT(A) that there is no seized materials impounded in the course
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
of search belong to the assessee. After analyzing the satisfaction
note of the DCIT (Central Circle) the Ld.CIT(A) held that the three
conditions enumerated in Section 153C of the Act are not satisfied
cumulatively and simultaneously. It is the finding of the Ld.CIT(A)
that in the case of the assessee admittedly additions are not based
on any incriminating document found as a result of search and AO
has not recorded the satisfaction for the relevant assessment years
as envisaged u/s 153C of the Act. It is also the observation of the
Ld.CIT(A) that in fact no assessment year is mentioned in the
satisfaction note recorded by the AO and, therefore, conditions
stipulated in Section 153C have not been satisfied cumulatively and
simultaneously. Non-satisfaction of any of the pre-conditions
mentioned in the provision of Section 153C of the Act would result
in notice under 153C legally unsustainable or invalid. The ratio of
the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of PCIT Vs.
Sinhagad Technical Education Society (supra) and the decision of
the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in the case of Index Security Pvt. Ltd.
(86 taxmann.com 84) was rightly applied to the facts of the
assessee’s case. Thus, we see no infirmity in the orders passed by
the Ld.CIT(A). The same is sustained.
I.T.A.Nos.2241 to 2244/Del/2019 & CO Nos.124 to 127/Del/2019
7. As we have sustained the order of the Ld.CIT(A) who has
annulled the assessments the cross objections filed by the assessee
are treated as infructuous.
8. In the result, appeals of the Revenue are dismissed and cross
objections of the assessee are dismissed as infructuous.
Order pronounced in the open court on 29/12/2023
Sd/- Sd/-
Dated: 29/12/2023
*Kavita Arora, Sr. P.S.
Copy of order sent to- Assessee/AO/Pr. CIT/ CIT (A)/ ITAT
(DR)/Guard file of ITAT.
By order
Assistant Registrar, ITAT: Delhi Benches-Delhi