ITA no.2302/Mum./2023
(Assessment Year : 2013–14)
Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax
Circle–27(3), Mumbai
................ Appellant
3NN Corporation
Flat no.B, First Floor, Plot no.185
Jadish Building, 15
Chambur, Mumbai 400 071
................ Respondent
Assessee by : Ms. Renu Kapoor
Revenue by : Shri Ashok Kumar Ambastha
Date of Hearing – 26/09/2023 Date of Order – 27/09/2023
The present appeal has been filed by the Revenue challenging the
impugned order dated 26/04/2023, passed under section 250 of the Income
Tax Act, 1961 (“the Act”) by the learned Commissioner of Income Tax
(Appeals), National Faceless Appeal Centre [“learned CIT(A)”], which in turn
arose from the order passed under section 143(3) read with section 263 of the
Act, for the assessment year 2013-14.
2. In this appeal, the Revenue has raised the following grounds:-
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“1. Whether on the facts and circumstances of the case and in law, the Ld.
CIT(A) was correct in deleting the order passed u/s. 143(3) r.w.s. 263 of the
Act on the basis of decision of Hon'ble ITAT which quashed the order u/s.263 of
the Act when the order of Hon'ble ITAT was subject matter of the appeal before
Hon'ble High Court.
2. Whether on the facts and circumstances of the case and in law, the Ld.
CIT(A) was correct in deleting the order passed u/s.143(3) r.w.s. 263 of the Act
on the basis of decision of Hon'ble ITAT which quashed the order u/s.263 of the
Act, relying upon the decision of Hon'ble Gujarat High Court in the case of Neha
Builders P. Ltd. [2008] 354 ITR 180 (Delhi)] discounting the decision of the
Hon'ble Delhi High Court in the case of Ansal Housing Financing & Leasing Co.
Ltd. [2013 354 ITR 180 (Delhi)] wherein SLP has been pending before the
Hon'ble Supreme Court.
3. The appellant craves leave to add, alter, amend, modify or delete any of the
3. The brief facts of the case are that the assessee filed its return of income
on 31/07/2013, declaring a total income of Rs.29,86,370. The return filed by
the assessee was selected for scrutiny and vide order dated 21/03/2016, the
assessment was concluded under section 143(3) of the Act and the total
income of the assessee was assessed at Rs.31,11,370. Subsequently, vide
order dated 27/03/2018, passed under section 263 of the Act, the learned
Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (“learned PCIT”) held the assessment
order passed under section 143(3) of the Act to be erroneous insofar as it is
prejudicial to the interest of the Revenue and directed the Assessing Officer
(“AO”) to compute the annual letting value of flats/shops lying unsold and
assess the same as income from house property in light of the decision of the
Hon’ble Delhi High Court in CIT v/s Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co Ltd.
Pursuant to the aforesaid directions of the learned PCIT, the AO computed the
gross annual value of the unsold flats at Rs.56,97,872, and after statutory
deduction @30%, the net annual value taxable under the head income from
house property was computed at Rs.39,88,511. As the project was completed
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on 25/10/2012, the notional rent for the 5 months was worked out to
Rs.16,61,880 and added to the total income of the assessee.
4. In the meanwhile, in the appeal filed by the assessee against the
aforesaid order passed by the learned PCIT under section 263 of the Act, the
coordinate bench of the Tribunal vide order dated 10/04/2019, passed in ITA
No.2637/Mum./2018, held the revision proceedings completed under section
263 of the Act to be bad in law and accordingly quashed the same. Vide
impugned order, the learned CIT(A) allowed the appeal filed by the assessee
as the revision proceedings under section 263 of the Act were set aside. The
relevant findings of the learned CIT(A), vide impugned order, are reproduced
as under:-
“4.1 The present appeal has been filed by the appellant against the order under
Section 143(3) r.w.s 263 of the Act dated 26.11.2018 passed by ACIT, Circle-
27(3), Mumbai, the Assessing Officer (AO) in this case. It has been submitted
by the appellant that the appellant had filed an appeal before Hon'ble ITAT
against the revision order dated 27.03.2018 passed by PCIT-27 Mumbai under
section 263 of the Act revising the original assessment framed under section
143(3) of the Act dated 21.03.2016, and the appellant has further submitted
that the order passed u/s 263 of the Act has been quashed by the Hon'ble
ITAT. The relevant portion of the order of Hon'ble ITAT dated 10.04.2019 is as
“7. We have heard rival contentions and gone through the facts and
circumstances of the case. We find from the facts of the case that first of all, the
contention of the assessee is that the relevant year involved is AY 2013-14 for
the year ending 31.03.2013. We find that there are two High Court decisions,
one of Delhi High Court in the case of Ansal Housing Financing & Leasing Co.
Ltd. (supra), wherein it is held that the flats lying unsold as closing stock as ALV
under section 23(1)(a) of the Act can be taken and assessed as income from
house property, another decision of Hon'ble Gujarat High Court in the case of
Neha Builders (P.) Ltd. (supra) has taken a contrary view, wherein it is held that
the ALV of flats built by assessee which is engaged in the construction business
lying unsold has not assessable as income from house property and the notional
value cannot be assessed as ALV of unsold stock because the unsold stock is to
be assessed as business income. According to us, there are two views are
possible and in view of the decision of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of CIT
v. Vegetable Products Ltd. (1973) 88 ITR 192 (SC), Court are having contrary
view on a there are two views possible and two High Court when it is held that
in case particular issue, the view which is beneficial to the assessee is to be
adopted. Accordingly, in the present case the two views on the issue of
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assessment of income from house property on account of ALV of unsold flats
wherein assessee is engaged in the business of construction and builders is
possible. Hence, we are taking a view which is beneficial to the assessee that
the ALV of flats built by assessee which is engaged in the construction business
lying unsold has not assessable as income from house property and the notional
value cannot be assessed as ALV of unsold stock because the unsold stock is to
be assessed as business income. Hence, the revision proceeding completed by
PCIT under section 263 of the Act for revision of assessment framed under
section 143(3) of the Act, is bad in law and hence quashed."
4.2 Thus, it is seen that the Hon'ble ITAT has held that the revision proceeding
completed by PCIT-27 under section 263 of the Act for revision of assessment
framed under section 143(3) of the Act, was bad in law and has quashed the
same. Hence, the order u/s 143(3) passed consequent to the order u/s 263
also does not stand. Further, the issues raised in the grounds of appeal filed by
the appellant in the present appeal have been covered by the order passed by
the Hon'ble ITAT in ITA No. 2637/MUM/2018 for the AY 2013-14 dated
10.04.2019 (quoted supra) in the case of the appellant for the AY 2013-14.
Hence in effect the appeal is allowed.”
5. We have considered the submissions of both sides and perused the
material available on record. In the present case, it cannot be disputed that
the order under section 143(3) read with section 263 of the Act computing the
income from house property of Rs.16,61,880, was passed consequent to the
directions of the learned PCIT under section 263 of the Act. As the revision
proceedings completed by the learned PCIT under section 263 of the Act were
quashed by the coordinate bench of the Tribunal, in assessee’s appeal, vide
order dated 10/04/2019, there is no basis in sustaining the addition made by
the AO. Accordingly, we find no infirmity in the impugned order passed by the
learned CIT(A). As a result, the grounds raised by the Revenue are dismissed.
6. In the result, the appeal by the Revenue is dismissed.
Order pronounced in the open Court on 27/09/2023
MUMBAI, DATED: 27/09/2023
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Copy of the order forwarded to:
(1) The Assessee;
(2) The Revenue;
(3) The PCIT / CIT (Judicial);
(4) The DR, ITAT, Mumbai; and
(5) Guard file.
True Copy
By Order
Pradeep J. Chowdhury
Sr. Private Secretary
Assistant Registrar
ITAT, Mumbai