आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, ‘ए’, ᭠यायपीठ, चे᳖ई
᮰ी महावीर ᳲसंह, उपा᭟यᭃ एवं ᮰ी मंजुनाथ. जी, लेखा सद᭭य के समᭃ
आयकर अपील सं./I.T.A. No.622/CHNY/2023
िनधाᭅरण वषᭅ /Assessment year : 2018-2019.
Shri. Premkumar Menon,
Old No.110, New No.166,
St. Mary’s Road, Alwarpet,
Chennai 600 028.
The Income Tax Officer,
Non Corporate Circle 17(1)
अपीलाथᱮ कᳱ ओर से/ Appellant by
: Shri. R. Vijayaraghavan and
Shri.Saroj Kumar Parida, Advocate
ᮧ᭜यथᱮ कᳱ ओर से /Respondent by
: Shri. Nilay Baran Som, IRS, CIT.
सुनवाई कᳱ तारीख/Date of Hearing
: 28.12.2023
घोषणा कᳱ तारीख /Date of Pronouncement
: 29.12.2023
आदेश / O R D E R
This appeal filed by the assessee is directed against the Revision
order passed by the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, (in short ‘the
PCIT’’) Chennai-8 in Revision No. ITBA/REV/F/REV5/2022-23/1051705295
(1) dated 30.03.2023. The assessment was framed by the
Addl./Joint/Deputy/Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax/Income Tax Officer,
National e-Assessment Centre, Delhi for the assessment year 2018-19
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u/s.143(3) r.w.s 143(3A) & 143(3B) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
(hereinafter the ‘Act’) vide order dated 10.03.2021.
2. The only issue in this appeal of assessee is as regards to revision
order passed by the PCIT u/s.263 of the Act, as assessment order was
for limited scrutiny assessment and the ld. PCIT now want to enlarge the
scope of limited scrutiny by setting aside assessment order. For this,
assessee has raised various grounds which are argumentative and
exhaustive, hence need not be reproduced.
3. The brief facts of the case are that assessee’s case was selected
for limited scrutiny under E-assessment scheme, 2019 and relevant
assessment order was passed after verifying the issue of claim of
deduction from income from other sources under section 57 of the Act.
The assessment was completed by the ld. Assessing Officer vide order
dated 10.03.2021 passed u/s.143(3) r.w.sections 143(3A) and 143 (3B) of
the Act. Subsequently, the PCIT issued show cause notice on 8.3.2023
u/s.263 of the Act for revising assessment framed vide order dated
10.03.2021. In this show notice, ld. PCIT raised the issue that assessee
has separately shown the maintenance collected amounting to
₹41,67,528/- from the tenants and the same has been disclosed under the
head ‘’income from other sources’’ and deducted expenses of ₹98,17,815/-
and thereby claimed loss of ₹56,50,287/-. The ld. PCIT also noticed that
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TDS with respect to rent and services charges were deducted u/s.194IB
of the Act and therefore the amount received as service/maintenance
charges should have been claimed as rent received and should have been
taxed under the head ‘’income from house property’’ rather than allowing
assessee’s claim of loss. The ld. PCIT also noticed that Assessing Officer
has not verified the nature of expenditure incurred on account of
maintenance and hence excess deduction of ₹98,17,815/- was allowed
under the ‘’head income from other sources’’.
4. Assessee replied to show cause notice stating that he is part
owner of the building known as ‘Menon Eternity’. It was constructed only
for the purpose of providing office space for IT Companies and as per the
agreement for lease there is separate provision in addition to payment of
lease rentals for the building for payment of amounts for the services to
be rendered in the nature of maintenance charges. Hence, the assessee
offered the maintenance charges as income from other sources and
claimed the consequential expenses. The ld. Authorized Representative
for the assessee drew our attention to the reply dated 13.03.2023 that
assessee had filed complete details before the ld. Assessing Officer during
the course of assessment ie. copies of bills and invoices to e-Proceedings
response. Ld. Counsel for the assessee drew our attention to page 4 & 5
of assessee’s paper book wherein the reply is attached. Ld. Counsel for
the assessee also relied on the second paper book wherein complete reply
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to the Assessing Officer vide letter dated 10.02.2020 was filed and
relevant explanation reads as under:-
‘’2. I own two floors, viz., 8th and 9th floor of the commercial
property known as "Menon Eternity" at No.165, St. Mary's Road,
Alwarpet, Chennai - 600 018.
3. The whole property mentioned above (which is a commercial
property) consists of basement, ground floor plus 10 floors, built
by M/s Lancor Holdings Ltd. There were various tenants earlier
in respect of each floor, like BNP Paribas, Cognizant
Technologies, Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Private Ltd.,
etc The property has got parking facility for vehicles belonging to
the tenants and their clients in the basement, ground floor and
first floor.
4. The building has 400 KV power supply and pest control
services for common areas, Security services, both physical
securities and electronic surveillance systems, centralized air-
conditioning, Diesel genset, Motors, Fire hindrance, fire alarm
systems, Extinguishers, Transformers, External Glass ACP
cleaning services, Water Management, Solid Waste
Management, Landscaping services, etc.
5. The building has got its own lifts numbering 5 which are used
by all tenants.
6. The building of this nature obviously require separate
maintenance services. Earlier, this building was maintained by
the builder, viz., M/s Lancor Holdings through its sister concern,
M/s Lancor Maintenance & Services Ltd.
In view of certain dispute, M/s Lancor holdings and myself, an
arbitration suit was filed. In the mean time, M/s Lancor
Maintenance & Services Ltd., refused to maintain the property
and walked out and the fact of which was informed to the
7. Later, I had to take up the maintenance as requested by the
Arbitrator and accordingly, I am maintaining the whole property
by collecting maintenance charges from the tenants and
incurring expenditures there for. Because of the Arbitration
dispute, some of the tenants have vacated the property.
However I have to maintain the entire property’’.
Apart from this explanation, nothing is required because assessee case is
selected for limited scrutiny assessment.
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5. The ld. PCIT not convinced by the reply of the assessee had
framed following two questions:-
‘’1. Whether the maintenance charges collected from the tenants
amounting to Rs.41,67,528/- is to be assessed as income from
house property or under the head income from other sources.
2. In case, such maintenance charges collected by the assessee
are assessed as income from other sources whether the
expenses claimed by the assessee are allowable u/s 57’’.
The ld. PCIT on the first issue directed the Assessing Officer has under by
holding the assessment order as erroneous and prejudicial to the interest
of the Revenue:-
‘’The Assessing Officer has failed to call for and examine the
various clauses of the rental agreement and nature of services
being provided by the landlords, to decide the issue. Though the
decision of Hon'ble ITAT 'C' Bench, Chennai, in the assessee's
own case for the AY 2016-17, is in favour of assessee on this
issue, the department has not accepted the decision in principle
and further appeal has not been filed only due to the fact that
the tax effect is less than the monetary limit prescribed by the
Board for filing an appeal before the High Court.
Since the Assessing Officer has failed to do so, the order has
become erroneous and prejudicial to the interests of the
As regards to the second question, the ld. PCIT was of the view that ld.
Assessing Officer has failed to make enquiries into various facets of
maintenance expenses claimed by the assessee. This resulted in the
assessment order being erroneous and in so far as prejudice to the
interest of the Revenue. Hence, the ld. PCIT set aside the assessment
and directed the Assessing Officer to redo the assessment.
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6. We have heard rival contentions and gone through facts and
circumstances of the case. Before us, the ld. Counsel for the assessee
drew our attention to all the replies filed by the assessee before the
Assessing Officer vide letter dated 10.02.2020 which is reproduced at para
4 above. Further, the ld. Counsel for the assessee drew our attention to
notice issued u/s.142(1) of the Act dated 25.11.2020 wherein the
Assessing Officer had required the assessee to explain only the large
deduction claimed u/s.57 of the Act. Relevant enquiry against limited
scrutiny assessment reads as under:-
“ Large deduction claimed u/s.57 (Non-business (ITR))
The Ld. Counsel for the assessee took us to the assessment order and it
is also clear that it was limited scrutiny assessment as recorded by the ld.
Assessing Officer as under:-
‘’The case was selected for limited scrutiny assessment under
the E-assessment Scheme, 2019 on the following issues:-
Sl. No. Issues
1 Deductions from Income from Other Sources’’.
We note that the ld. Assessing Officer had raised specific queries
regarding deduction claimed u/s.57 of the Act which reads as under:-
‘’1. Furnish computation of income for the relevant A.Y. 2018-19
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2. Provide details of Income(s) from other sources alongwith
supporting documents.
3. Provide details of deduction claimed u/s 57 along with
supporting documents.
4. Please provide the details of expenditure claimed under
section 57, if any, alongwith documentary proof.
5. In case of interest income from banks, please provide deatils
of Name of the Bank and branch where accounts held, Type of
account (SB/FD/others), Account Number, Held in the name
of/belongs to alongwith the copy of bank statements.
6. Please provide reconciliation of gross receipts shown in
Schedule OS of ITR and interest income shown in P & L a/c with
the receipts reported in 26AS u/s 193 and 194A. Please explain
the reasons for the discrepancy, if any.
7. Provide comparison of Income from other sources and
deductions claimed u/s 57 during relevant A.Y. 2018-19 and last
two years’.
Even the assessee has replied complete queries regarding the claim of
deduction u/s.57 of the Act and specifically it is a simplicater case of
limited scrutiny assessment. As urged by the ld. Counsel that this issue is
now squarely covered by the decision of Hon’ble Madras High Court in the
case of CIT vs. Smt. Padmavathi, [2020] 120 taxmann.com 187 (Madras),
wherein it is held as under:-
17. The assessing officer in his limited scrutiny, has verified the source
of funds, noted the sale consideration paid, the expenses incurred for
stamp duty and other charges. Furthermore, the assessee in their reply
dated 11.01.2019 to the show cause notice dated 26.10.2018 issued by
the PCIT has specifically stated that the assessment was getting time
barred, assessing officer took upon himself the role of a valuation
officer under Section 50(C)(2) and found that the guideline value was
not actual fair market value of the property and the actual
consideration paid was the fair market value and therefore, he did not
choose to make any addition under Section 50(C) of the Act.
18. The PCIT, has not dealt with this specific objection, but, would
fault the assessing officer for not invoking Section 56(2)(vii)(b)(ii)
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merely on the ground that the market value was higher. As point out
earlier, the guideline value is only an indicator and that will always
not represent the fair market value of the property and therefore, the
invocation of the power under Section 263 of the Act by the PCIT is not
sustainable in law.
On this short premise, the revision order will go. Accordingly, we quash
the revision order passed by PCIT and allow the appeal of assessee.
7. In the result, the appeal filed by the assessee in ITA
No.622/Chny/2023 for assessment year 2018-2019 is allowed.
Order pronounced on 29th day of December, 2023, at Chennai.
Sd/- Sd/-
(मंजुनाथ. जी)
(महावीर िसंह )
आदेश कᳱ ᮧितिलिप अᮕेिषत/Copy to:
1. अपीलाथᱮ/Appellant 2. ᮧ᭜यथᱮ/Respondent 3.. आयकर आयुᲦ/CIT 4. िवभागीय
ᮧितिनिध/ DR 5. गाडᭅ फाईल/GF